Organizing Chairlady

Grace Lo

Thanks to the Founder-Joshua and Principal-Ruth for once again allowing me to be the Organizing Chairlady, for I have learnt much deeper.

Many said, don’t lose at the starting line, in fact, we shouldn’t lose at the corners. We often see Formula One racing; the racers didn’t lose at the starting line, but lost at the corners. As it needs wisdom, courage, opportunity and perseverance to win the other racers. For all these wisdom, experiences and abilities need to be accumulated since young or for years.

Life is like a runway; there are smooth journey and there rugged corners. The children of Grace Covenant cherish every opportunity that given as they know they have lost more than anyone else. All these years, I see their courage; choose to face, accept and forgive their family who hurt them. I also see they learn to be the leaders, to solve problems and bear responsible in Grace Covenant.

They indeed far off a lot from others at the starting line, but their life is full with hope of perseverance, they able to defeat their fate with triumph at the “corners” of difficult, lost and sadness! And this force of motivation is from those who have supported them all these years that they are no longer afraid and helpless.

Let together holds the children hands and continue to help them! Warm wind blow, all flowers bloom; the children lives will be wonderful because of you.